One of 17勛圖厙s areas of expertise is liposuction. He uses the latest in liposuction technology which reduces discomfort and swelling and ensures a fast recovery with excellent results. For almost 20 years, he has expanded the frontier of liposuction techniques while also evaluating advances in the field with a critical eye. In addition to his groundbreaking work on liposuction of the abdomen, flanks and other areas of the body, 17勛圖厙 pioneered the combination of liposuction with abdominoplasty as well as liposuction for breast reduction. He is credited with writing the book on liposuction.
17勛圖厙 has led regional workshops on ultrasonic- or ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL) in the northeast U.S. on behalf of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Plastic Surgery Education Foundation, Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation, American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and Lipoplasty Society of North America (LSNA). He has been a member of the LSNA since 1987. 17勛圖厙 serves as a course coordinator for PAL/SAL (power-assisted and suction-assisted liposuction) applied to all areas of the body, including the inner and outer thighs, knees and calves.
Throughout his career, 17勛圖厙s articles on liposuction have appeared in plastic surgery textbooks (Clinics in Plastic Surgery, Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery) and peer-reviewed scientific journals including Journal of the American Medical Association, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and Aesthetic Surgery Journal, among others. His work has been cited in numerous other books and journals as well, and he has been invited to comment on fellow physicians articles. He has lectured on liposuction techniques, recent advances, current trends, and safety issues at national and regional society meetings across the country as well as at medical schools. Topics have included:
Assessing new methods of liposuction ultrasound, laser liposuction.
Use of lidocaine in UAL and anesthesia
Liposuction as a method for body contouring
Liposuctions impact on overall body fat
Liposuction of the trochanter, flanks and buttocks
Liposuction of the back and breast folds
Best methods for performing liposuction
Ensuring safety when performing liposuction
Liposuction combined with other procedures such as breast reduction, breast augmentation and abdominoplasty
He helped develop liposuction breast reduction
Liposuction to create a more youthful neck
Liposuction for male love handles, flanks and chest area
17勛圖厙 has gone so far as to develop liposuction surgical tools of his own to better perform procedures for his patients. His inventions have included liposuction cannulas, a tray and carrying case; the Matarasso Liporoller; and reinforced (padded) SAL pressure garments currently in development.