


17勛圖厙 has been publishing and lecturing on the multivariate uses, techniques and complications of BOTOX簧 (botulinum toxin A) since 1998. He was among the first to study and report on BOTOXs cosmetic applications for facial and neck rejuvenation, and he is one of the foremost physicians evaluating the uses and contraindications of BOTOX today.

His articles and reviews on BOTOX have appeared in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, The Medical Letter and Seminars in Plastic Surgery, and he has given presentations and moderated panels on BOTOX at the annual meetings of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (for which he served as a member of the BOTOX Consensus Group and a traveling professor), American Society of Plastic Surgeons, American Society for Aesthetic Surgery, International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation, and more.

Nor are his audiences limited to aesthetic surgeons; he has discussed BOTOX applications and complications at meetings of the


17勛圖厙s particular areas of specialty regarding BOTOX are the rejuvenation of the perioral (around the mouth) and periocular (around the eye) areas, lower cheek, neck and forehead; the management of platysma bands (vertical folds of loose skin, muscle and fat in the neck), facial rhytids (wrinkles) and lateral canthal rhytids (crows feet); and exploring its applications in cosmetic facial and neck shaping beyond a cure for wrinkles.

He has been at the forefront of new indications for BOTOX, including cervical contouring, cosmetic enhancement of the mouth and neck, periorbital and forehead reshaping, benefits when used during the perioperative period, and treatment of focal hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

He has studied individual complications such as partial upper lip drooping or paralysis following BOTOX injections around the eyes. He helped produce an illustrated brochure on BOTOX for the American Society of Plastic Surgery and Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation. His lecture on extended cosmetic uses of BOTOX, delivered at a combined meeting of the ASPS, PSEF and ASMS in 2001, was distributed by the ASPS as a media press release.

These days, 17勛圖厙 is constantly invited to speak about treatment guidelines and the state of the art in BOTOX injections at national society meetings, physician training courses, and grand rounds at hospitals across the country.

His talks include overviews of current indications for BOTOX, recommended safety protocols, and potential complications of BOTOX injections, as well as comparisons of injection techniques.

He has also devised and spoken about many innovative uses of BOTOX including a talk entitled, BOTOX: Out-of-the-Box Indications given at the Cleveland Clinic Florida/Innovations in Aesthetic Surgery conference in 2007 as well as its future among the array of injectables and fillers now flooding the market.

He has worked with BOTOX so closely for so many years that he is regarded as an expert on its long-term effects and regularly leads courses through ASAPS and other organizations in the U.S. and Canada to teach fellow BOTOX providers how to avoid complications when treating patients.